Whether to pack in a backpack or a suitcase for a trip to Thailand depends on your personal preference and the type of travel you plan to do. In this article I will find some more details on the factors to consider when deciding between a backpack or suitcase for your trip to Thailand.
Type of travel
If you plan to move around a lot, a backpack may be more convenient. Backpacks are easy to carry and maneuver in crowded areas, such as busy streets and public transportation. If you are taking a lot of short trips within Thailand, a backpack may be a better choice like it was in uor case. On the other hand, if you are staying in one place or using taxis, a suitcase may be more practical.

Consider the type of terrain you will encounter during your trip. If you plan to do a lot of hiking or trekking, a backpack with good support and comfortable straps may be more suitable. For example, on one of the islands we visited (Koh Tao to be exact) the terrain was very mountainous and it would be difficult to move around with a suitcase.
However, if you plan to stick to urban areas and use paved roads, a suitcase may be more practical. If you are unsure, you may want to consider a convertible backpack that can also function as a suitcase, giving you the best of both worlds.
Luggage weight
Backpacks are generally lighter than suitcases and can be easier to carry for extended periods of time. If you are packing a lot of heavy items, a backpack may be a better option, as the weight can be distributed more evenly across your back. However, if you are traveling with a lot of fragile items that require more protection, a suitcase may be better suited to protect your belongings.
Please remember that if you are going to warm countries like Thailand, there is no need to take a lot of clothes.
In general, suitcases can be more secure than backpacks, as they are more difficult to break into or steal. However, a backpack can be more convenient for carrying valuables with you, such as your passport, camera, and other essentials. If you are concerned about security, you may want to choose a backpack with lockable zippers or a suitcase with a built-in lock. Also a hip pack may be a good solution for carrying important documents.

The decision of whether to use a backpack or suitcase for your trip to Thailand will depend on your personal preferences and the specifics of your travel plans. You may want to consider the factors above to make decision that best suits your needs. Ultimately, the most important thing is to choose luggage that is comfortable, convenient, and secure for your trip.
We traveled and visited a lot. We had both suitcases and backpacks. From today’s perspective, we regret that we didn’t take less stuff and didn’t pack it all into backpacks.
It would be much easier for us to move around.